The Lender of the Housing Loan sold at Best Bank is Novo Banco, S.A., with registered offices at Av. da Liberdade no. 195, 1250-142 Lisbon, Portugal, registered as a legal entity under number 513 204 016 in the Lisbon Commercial Registry Office, and with share capital of €6.567.843.862,91. Best Bank acts as a credit broker on an exclusive basis and does not provide brokerage services to any other public or private entity.
Your mortgage will be carried out directly at a Novobanco branch, with the underlying conditions and offer.
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Rate consisting of 6 to 12-month Euribor and spread.
This rate is indexed to Euribor, so changes depending on the term of the indexer.
Repayment follows Euribor fluctuations. Thus, whenever Euribor rises, repayment rises and whenever Euribor falls, repayment falls, in line with the economic backdrop at all times.
Variable rate:
No effect on associated sales: APR of 6,5%; variable annual nominal rate of 5,725% (Euribor 6m of 3,825% as of July 2023 and spread of 1.9%); Repayment of €872,98; Life insurance (1st monthly sum of €15,82); total amount payable by the consumer €332.009,96.
Effect on associated sales (*) APR of 5,4%; variable annual nominal rate of 4,725% (Euribor 6m of 3,825% as of as of Jun 2023 and spread of 0.9%); Repayment of €780,21; Life insurance (1st monthly sum of €15,82); total amount payable by the consumer €298.086,61.
For a loan of €150,000 over 30 years, with a total of 360 repayments, LTV of < 70%, with mortgage guarantee.
Initial fees and expenses: €2.051,20; Regular fees and expenses: Account maintenance fee
€2.03 (stamp tax included) and Multirisk Insurance (annual premium €166.03).
(*) Assumes subscription to the following products: Direct debit; Multirisk insurance at
Mudum – Companhia de Seguros, S.A.; Life Insurance associated with Housing Loan at
GamaLife and acceptable segmentation.
Fluctuations in the interest rate may result in an increase in the amount due.
The interest rate applied may record negative values as a result of changes in its reference
The blended rate is composed of a fixed rate (for a period of 2 to 30 years), followed by a variable rate indexed to the 12-month Euribor.
The fixed rate is composed of a reference rate, disclosed daily and calculated by NOVO BANCO, plus the spread.
You cannot change to a variable rate during the term of the fixed rate.
Allows for better control of the family budget and investment (e.g. buy to let).
No effect on associated sales: APR of 6,6%; blended annual nominal rate of 5,816% (5-year fixed rate of 3,916% and spread of 1.9%, followed by a variable annual nominal rate at 12-month Euribor and spread of 1.90%); Repayment of €881,66; Life Insurance (1st monthly sum of €15,67); total amount payable by the consumer €335.182,25.
Effect on associated sales (*) APR of 5,5%; blended annual nominal rate of 4,816% (5-year fixed rate of 3,916% and spread of 0.90%, followed by a variable annual nominal rate at 12-month Euribor and spread of 0.90%); Repayment of €788,45; Life Insurance (1st monthly sum of €15,82); total amount payable by the consumer: €301.100,35.
For a loan of €150,000 over 30 years, with a total of 360 repayments, LTV of < 70%, with mortgage guarantee.
Initial fees and expenses: €2.051.20; Regular fees and expenses: Account maintenance fee
€2.03 (stamp tax included) and Multirisk Insurance (annual premium €166.03).
(*) Assumes subscription to the following products: Direct debit; Multirisk insurance at
Mudum – Companhia de Seguros, S.A.; Life Insurance associated with Housing Loan at
GamaLife and acceptable segmentation.
Fluctuations in the interest rate may result in an increase in the amount due.
The interest rate applied may record negative values as a result of changes in its reference
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